
“I’m no longer a b**** at work anymore!  My co-workers love me again, my husband loves me again, heck I love me again too.  Thanks Healing Arts Center and bioTE” 

-57 year old female

“I have energy and focus. I don’t hit that afternoon wall. I have lost 38lbs since getting pelleted 10 months ago.  My pant size is smaller than it was in high school.  Couldn’t have done it without bioTE”

-43 year old male


“My joint pain is gone! I am able to crochet again! I have lost 35lbs!  BioTE gave me the motivation to chame my habits.  I won’t ever go without bioTE!”

– 52 year old female


“I have only been using bioTE for 8 months. Within 5 weeks I physically hurt less, and had a lot more energy.  In about 10 weeks I could focus much better. I have better memory functions. I used to be utterly exhausted by 2pm, now I can keep going even after working 8 hours. I now have a sex drive and I no longer have dryness or pain during intercourse.  I have energy and can do life much better with bioTE!”

– 55 year old female


“Since I began hormone therapy with bioTE I have been falling asleep so much faster.  I am not exhausted when I wak up in the monring.  No hitting the snooze 3 times before I can rollout of reb.  I have sustained energy all throughout the day and don’t hit a wall mid-day.”

-53 year old female